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Texe Marrs False Teachings

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Christian Evangelicals Endorse Wicked Nation of Israel

Texe Marrs and Living Truth Ministries publish an informative newsletter, FLASHPOINT, to alert Christians to the dangers and hidden schemes of the New Age Movement and the occult. To receive the FLASHPOINT Newsletter and other materials by Texe Marrs contact: LIVING TRUTH MINISTRIES. 1708 Patterson Road. In other words, these false teachers are saying, 'Forget all those Bible verses Texe Marrs gives you. Believe in man-made Separation Theologyinstead. Believe in our bigoted, race-based Apartheid doctrine, believe that Jesus does not want Jews to be part of His 'Israel of God'and 'Commonwealth of Israel.'

Texe marrs false teachings concerning

By Pastor Texe Marrs

Texe Marrs False Teachings
Texe Marrs False Teachings

By Pastor Texe Marrs

Texe Marrs False Teachings Beliefs

'Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of Man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger..

Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.'

Ezekiel 8:17-18

Has an Illuminati curse fallen on America? Is this God's punishment for America's citizens blessing the nation of Israel, a nation made up of people who despise Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

No nation on Earth has done more for Israel than the United States of America. It was America's President Harry S. Truman, a 33rd degree Freemason, who, in 1948, endorsed the proposal for a nation-state for the Jews to be founded in the Middle East. It was also the U.S.A., under Truman, that was the first country in the world to recognize Israel as an independent nation and sponsor its membership in the United Nations.

Since 1948, United States Presidents and Administrations have favored the theocratic, rabbinical State of Israel among all the nations. We have showered the Jewish State with hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid, which they never paid back, and we have armed Israel to the teeth with fighter planes, missiles, tanks, and other military hardware. This year alone, the Bush Administration announced it was giving $30 billion more in military aid to Israel. Our leaders even looked the other way when Israeli spies stole America's most precious military secrets, including the atomic bomb.

That's not all. The United States has consistently used its diplomatic muscle to shield the Jewish thugs in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem from any accountability for their crimes and genocide against the Palestinians, the Lebanese, and other Arab peoples. We also regularly use our veto power at the UN to knock down attempts by that world body to bring Israel to justice for its growing list of murders and global acts of terrorism, as well as the Jews' blatant Zionist racism policies.

Paul Crouch, head of America's largest Christian television network, is an ardent supporter of Israel and the Zionist agenda. He was outed by the Orange County Register newspaper for paying $425,000 in hush money to a homosexual lover. Like many other Christian evangelicals, Crouch is a global laughing stock. Is God blessing America by putting this reprobate at the helm of America's largest Christian television network?
Christian Evangelicals Endorse Wicked Nation of Israel

Perks of being a wallflower cast. Christian evangelicals have flexed their political biceps repeatedly, causing Congress and the White House to bend to Israel's corrupt foreign aggression and racist conduct. Christian evangelicals, under the leadership of Zionist zealots like Pastor John Hagee, prophecy teacher Hal Lindsey, psychologist James Dobson, the late Reverend Jerry Falwell, prosperity preacher Joyce Meyer, and TV evangelists Paul Crouch and Pat Robertson, actually believe—and teach—that whoever blesses Israel, God will bless, and whoever curses Israel, God will curse. This teaching, they say, requires Christians—indeed, the U.S.A. Import pdf to word 2010. itself—to refrain from any and all criticism of Israel and the Jews.

Moreover, they claim that America is obligated by God to bless Israel and its people with scads of money, the blood of our young men and women in uniform, and anything else required or desired by the Jews. Remember, they insist, if America blesses Israel, God will bless America.

But what if America 'blesses' Israel and instead of blessing America, an angry, unhappy God sends a multitude of evil America's way? Indeed, if that happens, will it not be the case that the Christian evangelicals have all along been dead wrong about this, that they have misread the Bible? What if—think about it—God decides to punish America for helping the corrupt, criminal, antichrist nation of Israel and heaps misfortune after misfortune on America's head?

Well, the fact is that America is the world's greatest benefactor and blesser of Israel. We bless the Jews in countless ways, and yet, consider the many curses that America is now suffering:

  1. America is now suffering a staggering economic collapse; with banks and corporations failing, prices skyrocketing, real estate being dumped, jobs being lost, the whole bit. Our federal deficit and national debt are staggering.
  2. America is riddled with narcotics, meth, and other illegal drugs.
  3. America is saturated to the hilt with pornography and blasphemy against God.
  4. America's political leaders consistently lie, cheat, fornicate, kill and otherwise disgrace our once, great country.
  5. The whole world thinks of the United States as a rogue, warmongering nation led at the top by a moron, George W. Bush.
  6. Mainly to further the Israeli agenda, the United States is embroiled in two foreign wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a result, flag-draped coffins of slain U.S. military personnel are regularly brought home by transport aircraft. Is this an example of how much God is blessing America for its support of Israel and the Jewish Zionist Agenda?
    The United States is now engaged in two foreign wars simultaneously. Over 4,000 of our young people have been slain and tens of thousands maimed with limbs torn off by roadside bombs in far-off Iraq. Thousands more are casualties of the Afghanistan conflict, a war we are losing to the dreaded Taliban. And our crazy, bamboozled leaders, manipulated by the powerful Jewish lobby (ADL, AIPAC, AJC, etc.) are hankering to plunge headlong into yet a third war—against Iran.
  7. America is suffering an illegal alien invasion. Some 20 to 40 million illegals are inside our nonexistent borders—no one really knows the real number, but it's huge. Their care and welfare is costing us tens of billions per year, and the illegal aliens are taking millions of jobs away from unemployed and desperate American workers.
  8. Our Christian TV evangelists—men like Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, and Paul Crouch—push positive thinking, feel good theology, and a smorgasboard of other nonsense.
  9. Our nation's warped children are showing sick effects of having imbibed too much 'gangsta' rap and heavy metal rock music and watching too much sorcery and occult TV cartoons. Many youngsters are on Prozac, Ritalin, and other mind-altering drugs.
  10. Our nation's teenagers and even many adults idolize and want to be just like their decadent idols—Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and the rest of the Motley Crew of Hollywood. Oh yes, there's also Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell, and similar cretans—all of whom are adored, admired, and paid fabulously for their vulgar, profane jokes, blasphemous conduct, etc.
  11. Crime waves roar not only in American cities, but in small town America. Rapes, murders, kids killing parents, parents killing kids, car jacking, the list goes on and on. Lock your doors, folks, the bad guys are now breaking down doors to rob suburban dwellers, too.
  12. The police in America are corrupt, abusive, and often incompetent. Call 911 in many locales and nothing happens. But get on someone's blacklist and a black-uniformed, masked police Swat Team may just show up at your residence, ready to slay your pets, frighten your kids into tears, and take you and the Missus off to jail. Then, they discover, 'Whoops, wrong house.'
    Black-uniformed, masked police are becoming commonplace in America. Big Brother's apparatus is bearing down on law-abiding citizens more and more everyday. Is this because America is 'blessing' Zionist Israel?
  13. Virtually every merchant, every appliance repairman, every auto mechanic in America has become a shyster, ripping consumers off. Identity theft is commonplace.
  14. Bribes and pay-offs are now S.O.P. for city officials and politicians, from lowly city councilmen to the halls of Congress.
  15. America is rapidly becoming a Police State, as our liberty and constitutional rights are systematically stripped from us, and Big Brother's high-tech spy apparatus bears down on citizens more each day.
  16. We have just handily elected as President a man, Barack Obama, who endorses both gay marriage and the horrors of partial-birth abortion.



Readers are encouraged to order the inspirational CD or audiotape report by Texe Marrs entitled, The Called, The Chosen, The Faithful. This Scripturally-based report carefully outlines the promises given Abraham and his seed. Its powerful message exposes the false teaching so common in the evangelical church today declaring that we must always favor and bless Israel and the Jews. Discover what the Bible really says and what it means for your future and that of America.

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